Monday, November 24, 2008

Go Ummi go!

Berikut adalah reply dari Thomas, eheheh

Dear Laily

you should not be worried about your work
your second year report is fine - after you have done
the changes I suggested you can submit it.

I will be in Leeds on Tuesday and can ask
whether it is possible to use the VSM there.

concerning your work: actually it is the strength
and beauty of your work that you combine both
modelling and experiment. Just remember your talk
at the JEMS conference, the people liked it because
you did both.

I can understand that it is not easy to run a family
and to do research on the PhD. Please believe me
it is important that take care of your children and
keep time free from work/research.

have a nice evening and see you tomorrow

bak kata Habil

Go ummi go!!!!

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