Thursday, March 26, 2009

tumpahnya si air mata

saya tidak sihat hari ini. sebenarnya dari last week. tapi since semalam sama enggak bisa bernafas. saja buat2 gagah, pergi ke Leeds dan perjumpaan dengan VC UPM. banyak kali kawan di leeds, Jill menyuruh saya balik saja se awal saya tiba di train station Leeds. namun saya gagahi jua. hidung sumbat, dan tekak sakit. tapi Alhamdulilla, Allah tidak tarik selera makan. masih enak merasai ni'mat rezeki Allah.

tetiba saya mendapat info tentang movie ini. Subhanallah, saya baru tengok sikit, belum habis lagi, tapi air mata saya sukar untuk berhenti...bila kah Malaysia akan punye cerita seindah ini...

Friday, March 20, 2009

tetamu dan aktiviti

entah kenapa akhir2 ni, mood memblog susut sikit demi sikit. nak kata busy, tidaklah sangat. sempat lagi baca tranungkite dan facebook. it tandanya x busy sangat la tuh. ehheh. byk yang hendak di lapor tapi nantilah tunggu lepas 4th april sebab sejak hari sampai ke tarikhtu banyak sangat 'bende' yang perlu dibut. lagi2 Thomas akan dtg sheffield next week. beriukt adalah laporan yang aku "reserve" dulu nak cerita
1) aktiviti tanpa suami- *masa hubbny balik M'sia 3 minggu)
2) aktiviti anak2, pyjamas day - bila makin besar, akal pun sudah panjang. nantikan perkemabangn terkini, anak2, husna (dah kena pakai glasses, nantikan gambar baru dia) , hanis, and habil..
3) tetamu2 yang hadir dan akan hadir di rumah kami...minggu ni, sabtu mantan dekan fakulti sains, Datuk Paduka Prof. Dr. Wan Mat Zin (masa cakap nga dia aku terlupa dia dah ber'dato') dan Ahad, Br. Ali Gunther dari Hyrat Foundation, Istanbul
4) aktiviti2 kami, hseffeild games, NEXT, jual2 an, usrah2...
5) eh lupa yang confirm sudah basi, x de gambar snow ke? sebab semua blog org melayu kat uk akan letak gambo snow , heheh

Itu jelah, Buat phd sebenarnya satu journey yang menarik kalau kita fully utilised momen2 di sini. aku kan pasti rindukannya. belajar2 , belajar2, berjalan, usrah, makan2, shopping carboot, BBQ, travelodge, cottage..

haa, buat pertama kali, cuti easter ni kami akan sewa cottage di dekat dengan snowdonia. dah lama sanbat sebenarnta nak gi wales ni cuma masa x de, duit pun ciput. jadi seperti biasa cuti kali ni pun, bajet holiday. Ini je pun cuti yang hubby ada since cuti dah habis sebab balik M'sia. jadi nak tak nak kena gak pergi bercuti kali ni (chewah alasan) . kalau tidak, tak delah...nak tunggu byk duit nak gi spaion , turkey, paris, entah bila....kalau tengok org lain bercuti jauh2 ni, jeles jugak, tapi ukur baju badan sendiri lah kan. duit stau hal , masa pun satu hal. Tahun 3, masa kritikal sebenarnya..


Friday, March 06, 2009

talk di Tohoku university

pagi di teruja bila dapat email, Sugimoto dari Tohoku University menjemput Thomas untuk memberi talk di universitynya. Dan thomas akan present sebahagian dari result kerja2 ku.

terimalah persembahannya...

Micromagnetics of permanet magnets

Thomas Schrefla,b, Gino Hrkaca, Norlaily M Saidena
aUniversity of Sheffield, UK
bSt Poelten University of Applied Sciences, Austria

Numerical micromagnetic computation is a tool for calculating hysteresis properties of magnetic materials taking into account microstructure and chemical composition. Grain structures and boundary phase distributions can be generated using Voronoi-growth. Solid state molecular dynamics can be used to compute the local arrangement of atoms near surfaces and grain boundaries. From the distortion of the lattice with respect to the bulk equilibrium atomic structure intrinsic magnetic properties such as the magneto-crystalline anistropy constant can be estimated. The grain structure and the local intrinsic magnetic properties are the input for micromagnetic simulations. The total magnetic Gibbs' free energy of the system can be directly integrated using finite element and accelerated boundary element methods. The use of the particular methods depends on the type of magnet to be simulated. Whereas in nanocrystalline permanent magnets the full discretization of the magnet is possible with a fine scale uniform grid, the simulation of large grained sintered magnet requires boundary integration techniques. Here we accurately evalute the magnetic fields and associated energies near grain boundaries and use a coarse grid near the center of the grains. In the talk I will first discuss the relation between microstructure, intrinsic magnetic properties, and hysteresis properties in nano-composite permanent magnets. It will be shown that carefully adjusting the exchange constant may improve coercivity without a loss in remanence. Then the micromagnetic origin of cascade type reversal processes in sintered magnets will be discussed. Finally, the application of exchange spring magnets for use in magnetic data storage will be reviewed.